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Auto Glass Repair Near Me

There are a lot of results when you search for auto glass repair near me online. But just because you see a company up at the top, doesn’t necessarily mean they are good. They might just be paying more for clicks. We prefer the old school way: customer referral. We have been building a solid reputation on this side of the San Fernando Valley for fifteen years, and we won’t stop now. Our goal is to have a 100% satisfaction rate across the board … we know that you can’t please everyone, but we sure do try. If you live in Sun Valley, we are the best option for Auto Window Repair.

The culture at Sun Valley Mobile Car Glass is one where the employees are just as interested in providing customer satisfaction as the owners. We keep our technicians trained and certified to the highest standards with modern equipment and materials. And we are so confident in their competence that we back up the work they do with our market-leading guarantee. If you have a windshield crack that needs to be repaired, we can have it done in just a half-hour, and you get the peace of mind of having a limited lifetime warranty. Don’t wait to get your free quote. You have nothing to lose by calling us for more information. We are open 7 days a week from 7 in the morning to 9 at night, so call today!